Saturday, November 28, 2009

Dont Swear!!!

Hey guys bling here as you might know someone has been swearing on my refrigerator magnets. If continues I WILL delete them!!!

P.S- I do know who is swearing but I will not mention!!!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Refrigerator Magnets

New dance button!!!

Hey guys, Bling here as you might know there is a new dance button. (It's basically just the flip, wave, and spin in one whole action.)


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Gang uniforms

Hey guys, bling here. Heres the uniform for cazmos with a member ship- Any hair, Electric blue jacket, blue trim pants, light blue sneakers, and any eyewear.

Non member uniform- (cazmo cash) Any hair/headwear, Orange jacket, Khaki trim pants, red tip sport shoes, and glamma glasses or neo glasses.

non member (non cazmo cash) Any hear/headwear, KOL tee, black lo baggies, black stripe shoes,and any eyewear.

(girl options coming soon.)